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Auto Close : Close Apps Automatically v3.1 (Pro Mod) APK

Apps running in the background slow down the device. Auto-close is a powerful task killer that allows you to automatically close apps when you lock your device.

AutoClose conserves battery power, frees memory, cools the processor, and improves device performance. It not only closes the apps, but also clears the notification.

Automatic closing features:

✓Close all running applications
✔Kill the story
✔Clear notification (purchase required)
✓Automatic start (purchase required)


1) Close all running applications when you lock your device. No more pressing a button, just lock your device. Completed 🙂
2) You can see the kill history of the last 20 applications.
3) You can see the running applications.
4) Get the result in the notification.
5) AutoClose takes up less memory. [Apx less than 50 MB – tested on Samsung Galaxy S10e]
6) Consume less battery power. [around 0.3% in 1 day – tested on Samsung Galaxy S10e]
7) AutoClose also works on Xiaomi devices.


AutoClose cannot clear the background service notification. No automatic task killer can do that. Background service notifications start to alert the user to a long-running task. You cannot clear them from the status bar as a simple notification. You need to force stop the app or close the service from the respective app.

Task killer

Auto-close is an advanced task killer that automatically kills apps from the background.

Ram cleaner

Auto-close is a closer powerful app that can close apps to free up memory, making the device run faster.

Battery saver

Auto Shut Off is a powerful app that can save battery power and extend battery life.

CPU cooler

Automatically closing applications closes and helps reduce CPU usage and cool down the CPU.

Security of confidentiality

This closer app does not collect any personal or personally identifiable information.


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