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Boundo: App API Checker v4.0.0 (Paid) APK

Boundo: App API Checker APK

Boundo is a powerful App API Checker APK that provides developers with a comprehensive solution for testing and verifying API functionalities. With the increasing number of APIs being used in mobile applications, it has become more important than ever for developers to ensure that their APIs are functioning properly. Boundo offers a range of features that make it an essential tool for any mobile app development team.

Boundo for smartphones and tablets:

1. App API
• Check Android API level of all apps and apks on device
• Check Adaptive Icon support of all apps
• App API stats
• APK and icon extraction
• Package details and signature details

2. App Shortcuts and Quick Settings Tiles
• Screen barcode(QR code) scanner Quick Settings Tile for Alipay and WeChat
• Month data usage Quick Settings Tile

3. Image Modifying
• Modify resolution
• Modify format: png jpg webp heif
• Blur image

4. Themed Wallpaper
• Make your wallpaper comply to Android 10 dark theme by applying a dark-color wallpaper automatically

Key Features of Boundo

Boundo offers a wide range of features that can help developers test their APIs more effectively. Some of the key features of the app include:

  1. Automated API testing: Boundo allows developers to automate API testing, which can save a lot of time and effort. Developers can set up test cases and run them automatically to ensure that APIs are functioning properly.
  2. Manual API testing: Boundo also allows developers to manually test APIs, which can be useful for testing specific scenarios that are difficult to replicate automatically.
  3. Real-time monitoring: Boundo provides real-time monitoring of APIs, allowing developers to detect and troubleshoot issues as soon as they occur.
  4. Multi-environment support: Boundo supports testing APIs across multiple environments, including development, staging, and production. This makes it easier for developers to test APIs in different contexts.
  5. Detailed reports: Boundo generates detailed reports on API testing results, allowing developers to identify and address issues more easily.

Types of APIs that can be tested using Boundo

Boundo can be used to test a wide range of APIs, including REST APIs, SOAP APIs, and GraphQL APIs. REST APIs are the most commonly used type of API in mobile applications, and Boundo provides comprehensive support for testing REST APIs. SOAP APIs are also commonly used, particularly in enterprise applications, and Boundo provides support for testing SOAP APIs as well. GraphQL APIs are a newer type of API that is gaining popularity, and Boundo provides support for testing GraphQL APIs as well.

Challenges of API Testing

Testing APIs can be a challenging task for developers, particularly as the complexity of APIs increases. Some of the common challenges that developers face when testing APIs include:

  1. Complexity: As APIs become more complex, it can be difficult to ensure that all of the different endpoints and parameters are functioning properly.
  2. Security: APIs often contain sensitive data, which means that security is a critical concern when testing APIs.
  3. Performance: APIs need to be able to handle high levels of traffic and requests, which can be difficult to replicate in testing environments.
  4. Integration: APIs need to be able to integrate with other systems and applications, which can be challenging to test.
  5. Versioning: APIs are often updated over time, which means that developers need to be able to test multiple versions of an API.

How Boundo can help overcome these challenges

Boundo offers a range of features that can help developers overcome these challenges when testing APIs. Some of the ways that Boundo can help include:

  1. Automated testing: Boundo’s automated testing feature can help developers test APIs more thoroughly and efficiently, reducing the risk of errors and oversights.
  2. Security testing: Boundo provides security testing features that can help developers identify potential security vulnerabilities in their APIs.
  3. Load testing: Boundo provides load testing features that can help developers simulate high levels of traffic and requests, allowing them to test the performance of their APIs under realistic conditions.
  1. Integration testing: Boundo can be used to test the integration of APIs with other systems and applications, helping developers ensure that APIs are functioning properly in real-world scenarios.
  2. Version control: Boundo supports version control, allowing developers to test multiple versions of an API and ensure that changes do not affect existing functionalities.

Using Boundo to Test APIs: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we have discussed the key features of Boundo and how it can help overcome common API testing challenges, let’s look at how to use Boundo to test APIs. Here is a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Download and install Boundo

Boundo is available for download on the Google Play Store. Simply search for “Boundo” and download the app onto your device.

Step 2: Create a new project

Once you have installed Boundo, open the app and create a new project. Give your project a name and select the type of API you want to test (REST, SOAP, or GraphQL).

Step 3: Add API endpoints

Once you have created a project, you can start adding API endpoints. To add an endpoint, simply enter the URL and select the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.). You can also specify parameters, headers, and authentication settings for each endpoint.

Step 4: Create test cases

Once you have added API endpoints, you can create test cases to test each endpoint. To create a test case, select the endpoint you want to test and specify the expected response. You can also add assertions to verify that the response meets certain criteria (e.g., status code, response time, etc.).

Step 5: Run tests

Once you have created test cases, you can run them to test the API endpoints. You can run tests manually or set up automated test runs to test APIs on a regular basis. Boundo will generate reports on the results of each test run, allowing you to identify and troubleshoot any issues that arise.


Boundo is a powerful App API Checker APK that provides developers with a comprehensive solution for testing and verifying API functionalities. With its automated testing, real-time monitoring, and detailed reporting features, Boundo can help developers test APIs more efficiently and effectively. By using Boundo to test APIs, developers can ensure that their APIs are functioning properly, identify and troubleshoot issues quickly, and deliver high-quality mobile applications that meet user needs and expectations.

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