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Electronic Component Pinouts Free v16.20 (Ad-Free) (Unlocked) APK

This application provides an offline database with over 80,000 electronic component pins. Chips, Transistors, Diodes, Trix, Microprocessors and many more

This application provides an offline database with over 80,000 electronic component pins. Chips, Transistors, Diodes, Triac, Microprocessors, and much more.
Pinouts is fast

It does not require internet access to search. Over 23,000 pinouts featured with a lot of equalizers.
Also available on iOS https://apps.apple.com/us/app/electronic-component-pinouts/id1502320574
Please support Pinouts configured by downloading the free ad free version:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … entspinout


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