FPse for Android is the best, fastest and most compatible PSone emulator for portable devices (PlayStation 1 games right on your smartphone screen anywhere you want)
FPse is able to display all PSone games in high resolution using OpenGL which gives outstanding graphics!
Take a look at the official documentation that will help you understand the requirements and how it works:
Create an ISO image from your favorite Playstation game disc to enjoy on your Android phone with a whole new graphic thanks to the recent OPENGL 2.0
FPse presents it all:
– Run from Android 2.3 to Android 8!
– Outstanding interface that automatically scans your local storage for Playstation games and automatically displays game covers, long-tap the game icon to access each game’s context menu and view more
– 3 different menus, all display game covers and can display sample video of each game (FPse can easily record 20 seconds of the game anytime)
– High performance (works on all devices, even very weak device can make FPse work properly, on newer device you have huge improvement over original results)
– High compatibility
-And a High sound quality
– Possibility to save your game at any time by the famous savestates
– Emulates audio tracks using .cue files by .bin image file (these two must be together and make sure both are named the same, obviously leaving the default extension file)
– Force feedback
v1.4.6 [Latest]
– Includes up to 10 gamepads superimposed on the screen (downloadable directly
by FPse)
– gun emulation named Guncon. use your finger to shoot, really fun.
Buttons A and B are emulated in the left corners of the screen
– Emulation of analog sticks
– Compatible with the G-Sensor. the touch screen. device buttons
– Supports disk image formats with extensions .img, .iso, .bin, .cue, .nrg, .mdf, .pbp and .Z (compressed files are handled automatically .zip .rar .7z .ecm and .ape)
– Full support for IcontrolPAD, BGP100, Zeemote, Wiimote (using Bluez IME software)
-Support for the PS3-PS4-XBOX360 controller (work still in progress because natively are very difficult to emulate)
– OpenGL supports external plugins, and by default FPse downloads its plugins file at startup!
– The software rendering engine in high definition! (up to 4x native resolution)
– Experimental multi-player LAN mode using two Android devices! Play in two-player mode with a game that wasn’t made for it! IE: Tekken3!
– Exclusive multi-player mode !! Play multiplayer games using up to 4 different devices on one device running the game. All other Android devices are like a wireless gamepad on every screen !! really funny!
– Exclusive automatic cheat codes finder.
– Autofire with many frequencies
– Compress one game individually or all games in one pass using free_disk_space function
– Big screen display !! exclusive feature to display 3D games on the big screen in native mode (works with all titles but for 2D games gets a little weird in the thermal baths of sizes and spaces, a fix will come)
– Texture dithering like on the real console
– Shaders to improve the rendering of the software
– Preliminary support for VR glasses! (Occulus GearVR Google_Cardboard Homido etc.)
-Native NFS protocol support which allows you to load your games directly from your local
Networks from a NAS or your computer.
– Files compressed in .ZIP .RAR .7Z .ECM and even .APE are extracted intelligently.
– New option to correct polygon jitter in OpenGL High Definition mode
and many more features!
PSX, PSone, PlayStation © are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. !!
What’s New?
– Fixed random unresponsive gamepad issue with some games like:
Metal Slug X , Silent Bomber, and surely more
– Improved video timing, should improve experience
– Fixed Dynasty Warrior black screen
– Added 5xBRZ for OpenGL HD postprocessing Shader
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