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Phantom Rose Scarlet v1.3.1 (Mod) APK

Fight and collect powerful cards as Reina, a maid exploring a mansion ravaged by evil creatures.

◆ A Roguelike Card Adventure
Phantom Rose is an indie game from developer and solo artist Makaroll. Build your deck of cards and make careful decisions as you explore because every death can be permanent.

◆ Defeat and recover
Collect over 100 powerful cards and items as you take out ghosts and save other maids in distress

◆ Manage your deck
There is no luck based card draw during battle. Instead, manage your map cooldown to defeat your enemy quickly and efficiently.

◆ Explore through dangers
Venture through areas of interest, dangers and places of safety to reach and defeat the ghosts of the crown for great rewards

日本語 (Japanese)
한국어 (Korean)

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Unlimited Money


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